Tails of an Office Dog Life

A day in the life of an office dog
About Me
Hey Hoomans! I’m Lunar Rover and a 2 year old French Bulldog who’s just started at the Explore Group as their Chief Happiness Officer with a particular focus on recycling. I love food of any description, balls of any description, cuddles and walkies with my best friend Troy, the Boxer. I hate rain and having my harness put on
Should you get an office dog? My BTH (Ball Throwing Hooman) says there are lots of articles about great reasons to get an office dog – it’s good for morale and happiness, it reduces stress, cheers staff up and makes them more friendly and approachable. But there are no dog blogs from the puppa point of view – how can this be?! So here is my first ever 'Dog Blog' – co-written by my BTH (no opposable thumbs here I’m afraid) – and there’s much more to come providing I’m a good girl (and I am a good girl!) |
Day One at the office
I normally work from my home ensuring that the floors are kept free from all bits and my BTH is kept warm whilst working remotely but here’s the story of my first day at the Explore office
Getting there
I thought we were going to the park to be honest so was a bit surprised when we got on one of those long noisy tubes of people instead. I was pretty pleased however when I discovered that the seats had fantastic treats under them although my BTH wouldn’t let me nibble them. I sat on her to get a better view but as I couldn’t see any cats or dogs I just decided to relax and enjoy the ride
We got off the people tube and I was carried down some moving stairs. We were moving without walking and I knew this couldn’t be right so I wasn’t entirely happy and I gently voiced my concerns (I hate being carried – it’s so undignified)
At the office After a quick walk we arrived at the office entrance and I was very pleased to meet a potential dog treat dispenser straight away who helped us through a special door. We then went into a box and then back out of it and came out somewhere completely different – magic! I pranced down some corridors and into a big room with more hoomans than I’ve ever seen in a house before. They looked friendly but after a quick scan – didn’t appear to be treat people. I’m normally looking for ladies with blond hair, fairly elderly, with little bags around their tummies – I’ll keep looking – there has to be one here somewhere. My BTH took me to lots of rooms and hoomans waved to me everywhere I went. I’m really liking this plus I managed to snag a few floor treats on my travels but sadly I couldn’t find any other dogs to play with, so eventually settled onto BTH’s lap until something more interesting happened. She was ‘training’ a young man next to her so I made sure I was super snuggly and stretched out right across her chair and over the edge to see if I could do a double hooman snuggle but I don’t think they were keen |
Walkies time At last! I had a quick sniff round the kitchen and then watched hoomans play with little balls on a big table. BTH put me on the table but I thought I might be at the vets so got down quickly. I hung around some of the hoomans eating their lunch, stared at them for a long time, but nothing was being shared so we carried on with our walk. We walked round the corner to some big water with big moving shapes on it like houses (nb. The Thames) and I ran on some wet soft stuff which I really liked. I put my face in it but it was a bit too crunchy to eat. We walked on some stones and I thought I’d taste a few (they don’t call me Lunar Rover for nothing) but BTH wasn’t having any of it. There was a giant hooman face made out of this wet soft stuff and we talked to the hooman who was making it – he smelled of French Bulldogs so I liked him. |
Back to the office and to check everyone for treats again. They’d remembered this time and one had bought chips so I stood and stared at him using my ‘treat giving powers’ but he seemed uncertain – (note to self – work on this one further – he can’t resist much more)
There’s a much better selection of nibbles on the floor now so I give every inch of the office a check. I would normally check all bins using my speedy ‘emptying onto floor method’ but I didn’t feel fully confident about implementing my recycling programme yet.
BTH has brought one of my rugs and it’s time for a snooze. I lie on her feet to ensure that she can’t leave without me noticing.
She wakes me up 4 times to go and sit or talk with other people – I can’t let her out of my site for a minute so instantly follow her. The only time I don’t follow her and they all start running around shouting for me. I’m under someone’s desk – what’s the problem guys?
Dinner time
I’ve been waiting for this all day – I linger and savour my food for 5 seconds
Home time
Some of the hoomans are leaving but some of them are rolling my ball for me. I’ve had a nap and I’m ready for action – actually no – I can’t be bothered – they’ll have to fetch the ball themselves
At last we’re going home! Back in the magic box room and we’re outside again. It’s raining and I have no coat – I expect a higher level of service to be honest and this is disappointing. We go back to the people tube and I sit on my BTH’s lap to check out the other passengers. The hoomans opposite me look promising – but they have nothing for me.
Back at home
It’s been a long crazy day and I’m glad to see my Master and little Hoomans again
I’ve been very well behaved today – mainly because it’s been a bit overwhelming. Next time I’ll know what to expect – let the ball games commence!
Added 13-Mar-2018