1 October 2019
Added 01-Jan-1970
We are extremely excited to announce this event with two amazing speakers:
First Emma Haruka Iwao will be joining us in Reading during her world tour to talk about how she calculated 31.4 trillion digits of Pi in detail: what technologies she used, the challenges of doing this in the cloud, the architecture, calculations, history... this will be a fascinating talk!!
Second we have Gus Maskowitz working with Gospel Technology on a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) product. Gospel Technology, a secure enterprise data platform, has partnered with Google Cloud Marketplace to launch Gospel Developer Quickstart (GDQ), designed to enable organisations to get up and running quickly with the Gospel Data Platform in a production environment, allowing developers to automatically deploy the platform on GCP in just a few clicks to start proving out their use cases in minutes. A detailed abstract is below.
18:30 Food, drinks, networking
19:00 Breaking a world record using GCP: most accurate value of Pi, by Emma Haruka Iwao
20:00 Title: How to spin up a GKE-native solution for secure data sharing in minutes, by Gus Maskowitz
Emma Haruka Iwao Bio:
After joining Google in 2015, Iwao became a Cloud Developer Advocate in 2017. She originally worked for Google in Tokyo, before moving to Seattle in 2019. Iwao focuses on the use of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), as well as supporting application developers. She works to make cloud computing accessible for everyone, creating online demos and teaching materials. Besides software engineering, she likes games, traveling, and eating delicious food.
Talk Description:
We have calculated 31.4 trillion digits of Pi in 2019 and broke the world record in the Pi computation. The process took about four months and 200 TiB of storage. Record-breaking Pi calculations have traditionally been done on supercomputers and special-made hardware, but we did it on Cloud for the first time. This talk will discuss the nature of the calculation, the architecture, challenges and techniques, and of course the brief history of Pi computation. Calculating Pi has been the speaker's childhood dream and this talk will also explain how the small dream grew to the new world record.
Gustav Maskowitz Bio:
Gus is a cloud expert and Kubernetes technical architect and deep learning enthusiast. He has over 15 years of experience working in software, including 10 years at Rackspace and working as a former Google Developer Advocate. Currently he acts as a technical consultant for Gospel, helping with all things product and go-to market.
Abstract: Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) have evolved far beyond Bitcoin, Crypto and Fintech and are gaining traction as an emerging technology solution for securely sharing sensitive data in the cloud. As enterprise adoption and real-life applications of DLT continue to skyrocket, it's paramount that developers, tech teams and business leaders be at the frontlines and understand how this technology works from the ground up. In this case, how to build security in at the data layer and seamlessly integrate with current GCP technologies (Kubernetes, object storage, etc.) Gospel Technology, a secure enterprise data platform, has partnered with Google Cloud Marketplace to launch Gospel Developer Quickstart (GDQ) - a first of its kind, out-of-the-box solution for developers, by developers. GDQ was designed to enable organisations to get up and running quickly with the Gospel Data Platform in a production environment, allowing developers to automatically deploy the platform on GCP in just a few clicks to start proving out their use cases in minutes. Join this session with the Gospel team for a live demo of GDQ, discuss different use cases for securing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the cloud, and learn how instant access to a secure distributed database can minimise your time to value realisation from months to minutes.