A Selection Of Short Stories Where Azure DevOps Saved The Bacon




A selection of short stories where Azure DevOps saved the bacon

9 July 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

July will see us host Matteo, who comes to us to talk about DevOps

"I’ve been dealing with TFS, VSTS and then Azure DevOps for over ten years – I realised that over time there were situations where there was one outstanding feature or capability that saved the day in a specific situation. So I put together a collection of these stories, hoping to inspire you to put the platform to good use or simply to realise that sometimes the easiest and better solution is just round the corner!"

About Matteo:

Matteo Emili is a Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies since 2010. Former Microsoft Student Partner (youngest ever in Italy and the first ever in being both MSP and MVP, in 2010 at the age of 19), his experience spreads from Universities, going through small businesses to the largest worldwide enterprises.
His focus on software engineering tied with business processes led him to have a deep knowledge of different topics and technologies, from development to virtualization, and he has a passion for Agile Methodologies, Processes and all the techie stuff around the code, which leads him to always searching for something new to share with the worldwide community around the Application Lifecycle Management and DevOps fields.
