Ansible London




Ansible London

19 March 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970


1) How G-Research are using Ansible
by Brian, G-Research
Details to follow

2) Variable precedence: Where should I put a variable?
by Jiri Tyr
We once again welcome Jiri to the stage, this month he's showing us everywhere that you could define Ansible variables and how the override each other.

3) Data Deployments with Ansible
by Prash Majmudar
Growth Intelligence is building a platform to help businesses grow faster and connect to their customers using AI.
We deploy machine learning models into a web app backed by data on millions of UK businesses. In this talk, I will talk about how we also use Ansible to deploy the data our machine learning models rely on and describe how we use Ansible roles and playbooks to snapshot/restore Elasticsearch indices into our staging and prod environments.
