Apache Beam Meetup 8




Apache Beam meetup 8

16 October 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

18:30 - Registrations

18:45 - kick-off

19:00 - 1st talk: Building an interactive streaming SQL engine in Beam.

19:45 - 2nd talk: Beam use-case by Huq Industries

20:15 - pizza, drinks and networking


1st talk
For the first talk, we welcome David Sabater, Customer Engineer at Google. David will start his session by showing how the Beam SQL feature works, then we review how streaming SQL came from collaboration between the Beam, Calcite and Flink communities and the advantages over other SQL implementations. Finally, he will demo a couple of simple use cases: a pure SQL pipeline from the new SQL shell, as well as using Dataflow SQL UI in Google Cloud Platform to join streaming data from Pubsub with BigQuery.

2nd talk

Who should attend
Everyone interested in Data Engineering, Data Science and Machine Learning, who wants to learn about one of the newer and exciting Apache projects focused on batch & stream processing of data. We try to cover both business value as well as digging deeper technically.
