Applied AI & DevOps




Applied AI & DevOps

6 March 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

6:15 pm - 7:00 pm - Networking and more importantly pizza and beers/ciders

7:00 pm - 7:20 pm - Michael Leznik - Head of Data Science @ Product Madness - Bayesian decision making applied to AB testing

7:25 pm - 7:35 pm - Raj Sharma - Founder and Director @ CyberPulse - Demystifying Autoencoders

Raj will share his research on autoencoders in the Cyber Security domain and more details about how neural networks have become an increasingly popular solution for network intrusion detection systems (NIDS).

7:35 pm - 7:50 pm - 15-minute drinks break (fill up on that free cider and beer)

7:50 pm - 8:10 pm Igor Gotlibovych - Head of Machine Learning @ Octopus Energy - Continuous deep learning for smarter energy

"Forecasting a time series is notoriously difficult - at Octopus Energy
we handle tens of thousands every day. We will talk about new deep
learning approaches to fine-grained energy demand forecasting, and the
infrastructure we are building to handle complex model life cycles."

8:10 pm - more networking and beers at the local pub.
