Birmingham Digital & DevOps Meetup




Birmingham Digital & DevOps Meetup

13 November 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

Our next meetup will focus on the world of Security. The lineup is being finalised, and as usual it'll be an interesting evening of Tech Talk, Demos and Networking, with a few drinks and nibbles to boot ๐Ÿ˜

Details on the agenda below. Please do SIGNUP!

17:45-18:00 - Meet & Greet

18:00 - A quick history of ciphers - Charlie Anglin

In 2011 a British Airways employee was jailed for terrorism offences after his communications were decrypted, he had used a 2000 year old cipher in an attempt to outsmart authorities. This beginner friendly talk aims to answer why his choice of cipher was a bad idea and how ciphers have evolved over the years.

Charlie is a developer at Capgemini currently working on the Government Gateway Transformation program.

18:30 - Helping teams build securely - Jim Gumbley

It makes great sense to ask teams to build security into everything they do, but it does not always happen! This talk is about spotting where the bottlenecks might be, so your team can make the next incremental step in security.

Jim is a technology consultant at ThoughtWorks and OWASP Chapter Lead for Birmingham

19:00 - Break - Food & Drink

19:20 - Security Session 3 - TBC

20:00 - Close & Networking.

