Continuous Deployment & Automated Operations On K8s




Continuous Deployment & Automated Operations on k8s

11 September 2019

New York

Added 01-Jan-1970

The keptn team just released v0.4 of their open source framework which now supports multi-stage delivery pipelines with automated quality gates, blue/green deployments and auto-remediation of container-based services on k8s.

In this talk Andreas will explain WHY he and his team built keptn, HOW they implemented it (Architecture) and WHAT the path contributing this project to CNCF looks like. Andreas will give a live demo of deploying good and bad artifacts with keptn and how keptn reacts to convince that he is not just a PowerPoint programmer 😊.

Andreas Grabner has 20+ years of experience as a software developer, tester and architect and is an advocate for high-performing cloud scale applications.

He is a regular contributor to the DevOps community, a frequent speaker at technology conferences and regularly publishes articles on

In his spare time he is hitting the salsa dancefloors of the world

6:15 - 6:45 - Networking
6:45 - 7:30 - Keptn talk
7:30 - 8:00 - Q&A and Networking
