17 January 2018
Added 01-Jan-1970
Talk one: Thingyfy your home with Android Things and Firebase
Android Things gives you the ability to connect all your IoT devices! You can write Android apps for Android Things the same way you write your current Android apps (Kotlin or Java).
In this hands-on talk you will find out how to connect your Android phone to your home with Firebase. By the end of the session, you’ll know how to send data across from and back to your home, interacting with your devices from anywhere in the world.
Speaker: James Coggan
Passionate geek for all areas of technology with a strong love for Android and embedded devices. Been working with technology for the last 14 years, where 3 have been with embedded devices and 8 have been with Android, due to that, is really favouring the Android Things, that connect the cloud to these two technologies. Talked at Droidcon Tel Aviv about Android Things, about Realm at a GDG London Meetup and Udacity Connect event.
Talk two: Polling Away: How to get rid of network polling from your apps
Do you have network polling in your app? Have you ever considered the implications for your users? Do you want to replace it with something better, but not sure where to start?
In this talk Ben will discuss different strategies for replacing network polling with other alternatives and their benefits and drawbacks. Then he give a deeper dive into one of the technologies Deliveroo is using to address this problem.
Speaker: Ben Pettifer
Ben Pettifer is an Android Developer at Deliveroo. He's been developing Android for the last four years, with a current focus on building clean, high performant apps. Before that he spent many years building backend software in C#. Outside of building software, Ben loves playing guitar, going to gigs, gaming, and other hobbies beginning with 'g'.