Devopsdays London 2019




Devopsdays London 2019

26 - 27 September 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of community run technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. It is run by volunteers from community, for the benefit of the community. We are not a commercial conference and we believe that our focus on serving the community creates a truly unique experience for both delegates and sponsors.

We expect 400 people this year and will be holding the event on September 26-27, 2019 at the QEII Centre in Westminster.

The format of DevOpsDays London includes a single track of 30 minute talks in the morning of each event, followed by Ignite talks (5 minute, auto forwarding). We spend the rest of the afternoon in Open Spaces, which are considered a key portion of the event.

