General Talks ~ GCP + Tech For Digital Inclusion




General Talks ~ GCP + tech for digital inclusion

25 November 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

General Monthly Meetup of GDG Cloud London for November 2019.

Tentative agenda:

18:20 - 18:30 - Check in and welcome.

18:40 - Talks.

20:00 - Networking, drinks, pizza, sweets and snacks.


Speakers of the day (not necessarily in this order):

1) Melissa Tranfield
Title: Innovation of education/EdTech and access to technology for minorities and those limited geographically

Description: I will discuss the impact that technology has had, but still needs to have, on the traditional education system. I will use my own experiences as a valid example of how the process of providing relevant, up to date opportunities for young people from underprivileged backgrounds to break into tech. Millions are invested in building new, innovative technologies. But how is this investment is used to improve existing, outdated processes across industries? Is it really being used to change perhaps the most outdated aspect of society: the continued existence of poverty?

Bio: Futuristic, entrepreneurial, brimful with energy, a keen innovator and idea generator. As the founder of a social impact start-up, Edify, providing digital skills training to deprived West London areas, Melissa’s determined to build a world where the quality of tech education and access to innovation and the more future-facing careers is not dependent on geographical location. Her other mission is to completely revolutionise the social care system through technology.

2) Karthik Selvaraj, Principal Architect

Karthik is a cloud geek. He has built several digital platform in Cloud for nearly a decade.

Recently, he has built a Analytics platform in GCP designed to securely and seamlessly process PBs of data.

He has a strong networking and security background and will be sharing his experience.

Security - New reality
* Understanding threats and their evolution
* Emerging and Evolving threats
* Current state of play
Key Security principles
* 6 Principles derived from various industry standards
Google Cloud Security tools
Holistic approach in protecting your assets in Google Cloud

3) Details of the speakers will be soon announced! :)
