




17 February 2018


Added 01-Jan-1970

HackCity is back again for it's second year! We are welcoming students from all over London, the UK and Europe, for a all student fun and free Hackathon.

We have some amazing sponsors lined up, so everything is provided free - all you have to do it get your ticket!

Format of the Weekend...

Enjoy 24 hours of hacking, open to build anything you like. Challenges will also be provided but we encourage people to think outside the box.

We will have student and sponsor led workshops to introduce various technologies such as: Unity and web development (may vary).

You can hack in teams up to 4 persons, or alone if you prefer, however if you have more than 4 team members you will be exempt from winning prizes. Leading on to prizes...

Hackers will be given a period at the end to present their project, what they made and how they made it, what tech they used and if they had any problems. This year, we are providing some cool new gadgets for attendees to hack with, such as ... ENTER HERE. Winner's will then be annoucned after tough deliberation.

HackCity is free of charge, food and refreshments will be provided a paid for by our awesome sponsors as well as prizes and challenges.
