HackerNest NYC January Tech Social




HackerNest NYC January Tech Social

21 January 2019

New York

Added 01-Jan-1970

>>>> HackerNest Tech Socials  are a fun, relaxed way to connect with your local tech community. Atmosphere: chill, friendly, unpretentious, agenda-free (no sales pitch), and brimming with Ultra Smart People, hi-5 us in person!

The typical Tech Social agenda: Folks arrive, grab drinks, socialize >> quick announcements, thank sponsors >> back to chatting >> head home, exhilarated from great conversations!

**** HackerNest Tech Socials are Entry by Donation - $10 to $20 is suggested. If a cash donation is too restrictive, no problem - just email your Tech Social Organizers and sign up to volunteer that night. ****
