Harnessing Data And Design




Harnessing Data and Design

6 November 2018

New York

Added 01-Jan-1970

At a time when data is all around us and increasingly accessible to the public, it can be hard to know how to even approach it— let alone use it effectively. This is especially true for organizations doing vital work to serve New Yorkers but that may not have the expertise, resources or time to navigate government websites or wade through seas of data.

In this talk, Laura Laderman of Measure of America will discuss the potential for data analysis and design to be deployed for the public good. She will share some surprising findings from Measure of America’s most recent report, A Portrait of New York City 2018: Well-Being in the Five Boroughs and the Greater Metro Area (http://www.measureofamerica.org/portrait-nyc/), and break down the process of creating tools that provide the general public, policymakers and service organizations with information that is easy to understand and actionable. Come hear about how working with partners to identify data and research needs has laid the groundwork for policy changes in areas ranging from park access to e-cigarette use to early childhood education, and think about how you can use your skills to work toward similar changes.

Speaker Bio
Laura Laderman is a data analyst at Measure of America. She performs quantitative analysis and creates data visualizations with a focus on mapping and geospatial applications.

Measure of America (www.measureofamerica.org) is a nonpartisan project of the nonprofit Social Science Research Council, based in Brooklyn. It creates easy-to-use yet methodologically sound tools for understanding well-being and opportunity in America and stimulates fact-based dialogue about these issues. Through hard copy and online reports, interactive maps, and custom-built dashboards, Measure of America works closely with partners to breathe life into numbers, using data to identify areas of need, pinpoint levers for change, and track progress over time.


- Pizza and socializing begins @ 6:45
- Talk begins @ 7:00 followed by Q&A
- A little extra socializing after the event
