Haskell CoHack




Haskell CoHack

7 September 2019

New York

Added 01-Jan-1970

Tackle a personal project, ask or answer your Haskell questions, help a newbie get up and running (or get help yourself), or start a new collaboration with other community members. It's up to you. Just bring a laptop and a positive attitude. We strive to be welcoming, supportive, and uplifting, no matter your background or goals.

NOTE: You MUST register with a full name to attend. This is required for building security. There is a limited number of spaces available, so please unregister if you cannot come.

Rough schedule:
* 11:00 - 11:30 Welcome and goal-setting
* 11:30 - 12:15 Lightning talks
* 12:15: Lunch available
* 12:15 - 4:15 Work time
* 4:15 - 5:00 Project sharing and recap

To maintain focus, we do ask everyone to state a goal for the session at the start, and reflect on their progress as we finish up. But aside from that, we're pretty laid-back. There's no competition or winners or losers; we are all here to support each other.

Lightning talks will be 10 minutes each (including questions, if you leave time for them), with first-come-first-served same day signups. Keep in mind that you will have an audience of varying backgrounds.
