Heroes & Villains




Heroes & Villains

9 May 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

'Heroes & Villains' is a hands-on simulation that teaches core Agile practices and gives you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience using some of the core agile working methods.

We introduce Scrumban, which combines Kanban, the first and simplest lean method, with the collaborative practices that define Scrum. The weaker aspects of Scrum are replaced with a one-piece flow by continually moving items from Backlog to Completed, rather than pushing new work forward, thus preserving unnecessary Sprint commitments.

Sprints and Squads, which split large, complex, and challenging projects into self-governing teams that iteratively execute tasks in short, well-defined intervals to maximize feedback and learning.

Reviews and Retrospectives, the key features that ensure stakeholder feedback and enable organizational, triple loop learning.

Work in progress (WIP) limits, which help to eliminate work bottlenecks and ensure that teams deliver completed features, not countless unfinished work.

Cumulative Flow Diagrams for a continuous view of the workflow across multiple teams and streams.

Previous knowledge is not required. Even if these practices are new to you, fun is guaranteed.

We would be happy to welcome you at the first 'Heroes & Villains' in London.
