Improving Web Performance




Improving Web Performance

14 November 2018

New York

Added 01-Jan-1970

WELCOME TO THE CLOUD! Upgrade your infrastructure & deployment skillz!

First, hear from Sergey Chernikov on improving web-site performance: best practices and common pitfalls. Looking at you, LinkedIn's web app!

We will also hear from Glenn Zahn with RecruitWise about how to ace those tricky questions during your next job interview.

Increment - hear from Anthony Ng on auditing the MTA subway time website. We will look at different tools available to measure a website’s performance. Then we will look at ways to improve it and make it super fast. The only slow thing about the MTA should be its trains, not its website!

Next learn the basics of Docker, and how it can end the pain of "but it worked on {otherMachine}!".

Finally, see how to do what Heroku does for you - by doing it live on a Digital Ocean droplet!
