14 October 2019
New York
Added 01-Jan-1970
Kubernetes helps with microservice based app problems like scaling, deployment and discovery. But k8s is not a container security tool, and it would be a big mistake to assume that it can defend your apps from security vulnerabilities. We will explore steps we can take towards k8s security.
Kubernetes makes it possible to run containerized application at scale. It solves many problems of microservice architecture by abstracting away things like container deployment, container-to-container communication, load balancing. While Kubernetes is great at it many things, it seems to be lacking in terms of security. It has some security features but in most respect it is not production grade security, at least not by default.
If you are thinking about or already started with Kubernetes for your production workload, there are some steps you could follow to make sure your environments sand applications is secure.
In this talk we will discuss some best practices for Kubernetes security. From container image to secret management, we will try to cover it all. And after this talk hopefully we will all be in a better position to harden and secure our Kubernetes cluster.
Attendees can expect to learn:
- Learn how to start making your kubernetes application more secure.
- Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that lead to insecure application
- Having basic understanding of kubernetes or cloud native application building is a plus
**Please bring your Meetup RSVP Confirmation & ID to check-in**
- 630pm - doors open, check-in, and get some food
- 645pm - round-robin introductions & get to know each other
- 7-8pm - Main Presentation
- 8-830pm - Q&A + Networking
- 8:45pm - Venue closes