15 October 2019
New York
Added 01-Jan-1970
This is Session 2. Access information will be provided to RSVPed people only.
Topics to be covered in this session:
--Re-defining a real Product
--Identifying and standing up Teams to support Product - centric work
--Working with Senior Leadership, to ensure support of the above (given organizational design implications)
Many thanks!!!
---------------------------------------Original Description -------------------------------
Over the last couple of years I have been summarizing my personal experience (along with my former colleague and coach-wing-man) of LeSS adoption at one the greatest and largest financial institutions (FinTech). Some time in a near future, my work will be shared wider, as LeSS adoption case study (still in draft).
This experiment of LeSS adoption (a wide array of experiments and their outcomes) took place between 2015 and 2016.
I would like to start sharing my long experience in pieces, by doing deep dives in various aspects of the adoption and having meaningful discussions around each.
Over time, I would like to cover the following dimensions of LeSS adoption:
-Background and History
-Organizational Design and Descaling
-Organizational Culture
-Adoption of LeSS
---Recognizing Pre-conditions Supportive of LeSS Adoption
---Learning Lessons from Adopting Basic Scrum
---Defining (and Expanding) The Product
---Realigning Teams (from Sub-Systems to One Product)
---Identifying Product Owner and SMEs
---Expanding LeSS by Adding More Teams
---Minimizing Side-work and Supporting Single Product Backlog
---Providing a Non-hierarchy Based Escalation Mechanism
---Improving Engineering Practices
---Forming Communities
---“Narrowing the Gap between Science and Business”
---Introducing Agile Budgeting
---Flattening Overall Organization Design
We shall start in the logical order but may deviate, if there is a very strong demand:). Time we spend on each aspect, depends on audience interest and participation.