3 September 2019
Added 01-Jan-1970
LIGHTNING TALK : Multitenancy: challenges when converting an in house application into a multi tenant software
SPEAKER : Samuel Durand
SESSION ONE : Pyramids Are Ancient - Let’s Talk Automation Strategy
‘Richard, what tests should I automate?’ ‘What should I be automating?’ ‘What layer should I be automating on?’ ‘Where do I start with automation Richard?’ These are questions I get asked regularly. My answer every single time? ‘Checkout The Test Automation Pyramid!’, ha, of course, it’s not, it’s ‘It depends…’ That’s because there isn’t a single correct answer to any of those questions, although most are looking for one. It certainly isn’t a picture of a triangle.
However, there are steps we can take, questions we should be asking, which will lead to answers. They won’t be the right answers, but they will be enough to progress, while we learn more and continuously adapt. These questions will allow you to map out your context, arguably the most important action to maximise your automation efforts. Knowing when to ask these questions, how to progress after the answers and who to involve are the most underrated skills in automation. You can learn all the programming languages, all the frameworks and tools, but if you don’t know how to audit your own context and frame your problems, they are irrelevant.
In this talk, I’m going to share the questions I ask in order to understand the context I’m in, allowing me to create an automation strategy. We’ll then compare those questions and answers to existing models highlighting the flaws in them, but also where they can provide some direction.
SPEAKER: Richard Bradshaw, (CEO) at Ministry of Testing
SESSION TWO : Making Testability Our Mission
This is a call to action. On our cross functional teams and during our devops transformations we talk about how testing is for the whole team. Quality is everyone's responsibility. How much are we really doing to make this happen? Often we are working on systems that are hard to test for many reasons, but if we simply do more testing, write more automation we are neglecting what should be our main mission, advocating for increasing levels of testability, to truly get everyone involved in testing. We all have stories about how something is difficult to test, often never being tested or certainly left with the tester to figure it out. It doesn't have to be this way.
During my talk, I want to introduce a set of principles for testability engineering. A new way to approach our work as testers. These principles will tackle how we make our systems more observable, controllable, how we share knowledge across teams and improve the testability of our dependencies. I believe it is time to create a new focus on testability, as it affects everything we do, what our teams do and beyond into how value is delivered for customers.
I want you to take away from the talk:
* Why a focus on testability can multiply your effectiveness as a tester
* What the principles of testability engineering are and how to advocate for them
* How you can make iterative changes to what you do in order to embrace testability
New technology and complexity is rendering many software development techniques and paradigms obsolete at an increasing rate. We already exist in a space where an infinite number of tests of an array of different types can be performed. A new mission is needed, one that leverages the varied talents of all kinds of testers and culminates in a new focus on the exponential benefits that testability brings.
SPEAKER: Ash Winter;
An independent tester and conference speaker. Experience in testing, performance engineering, and automation of both build and test. He even spent a while being a Scrum Master and Product Owner. Now spends his time coaching when invited to find answers to difficult problems.