Lightning Talks




Lightning Talks

2 December 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

As usual, our December meetup will be a lightning talk event! We now have a full-house of talks! (see below). Being December, it'll be a Christmas theme with plenty of mulled wine and mince pies provided by our amazing sponsors, Corriculo Recruitment!


- Azure CLI and Cloud Shell - Dan Clarke
- Introduction to Azure API Manager - James World
- Pulumi - Daniel Hyrjak
- Azure in Financial Services
- Azure Key Vault - Frans Lytzen
- Automated Testing Environment Provisioning with the Azure SDK - James Holwell
- Moving from GKE to AKS - Martin Packman
- Azure Pipelines automation with Powershell and Task Groups - Gergely Vajda


Corriculo ( are the venue and refreshments sponsor for Azure Oxford. Based in Oxford, Corriculo are an IT specialist recruitment agency committed to building relationships with both candidates and clients. They will be in attendance at the event, feel free to say hello!

Everstack ( is Dan's company, providing Dan's time to organise and manage Azure Oxford. Everstack is a software development company providing development and consultation services.
