3 December 2019
Added 01-Jan-1970
The goal of the Clojure dojo is to raise the confidence and experience levels of those that attend through practical exercises. These events support those new to Clojure as well as more experienced developers from the London Clojure community.
Suggestions for practical coding challenges are added on http://www.londonclojurians.org/code-dojo/ as we find them and we also have a Github repository https://github.com/ldnclj
# How the event works
After we have decided on some challenges for the evening, we break into small groups (2-4 people) and see how far we can get. After about 90 minutes we get together and share what we have learnt, showing code and demo's of it in action. # Requirements
If you have a laptop with a working Clojure environment please bring it along. As we arrange ourselves into small groups, if you don't have a laptop you can still join in.
# Discussions We’ll be discussing the meetup on the london-clojurians mailing list (http://groups.google.com/group/london-clojurians/)
If you want to know how to run your own dojo or get an idea of what dojos are like you can read more at http://otfrom.wordpress.com/2010/10/26/faq-how-much-do-i-need-to-know-before-i-come-to-the-dojo/
# Background
Clojure is a JVM language that has syntactically similarities to Lisp, full integration with Java and its libraries and focuses on providing a solution to the issue of single machine concurrency.
Its small core makes it surprisingly easy for Java developers to pick up and it provides a powerful set of concurrency strategies and data structures designed to make immutable data easy to work with. If you went to Rich Hickey’s LJC talk about creating Clojure you’ll already know this, if not it’s well worth watching the Rich Hickey “Clojure for Java Programmers” (http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/java-jee/clojure-for-java-programmers) video or Stuart Halloway “Radical Simplicity” (http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/java-jee/radical-simplicity) video.