London Scala Talks




London Scala Talks

20 August 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

Come along to another round of London Scala Talks! This month, we'll be hearing from Yilin Wei on type theory in DSLs and Bruno Bonnano on mockito-scala. We look forward to seeing you!

6:30pm - Doors open. Come along for free pizza and drinks! Vegan and vegetarian options are provided.

7:00pm - *Yilin Wei: Do fish have legs?: Implementing DSLs*

As backend developers, we often need to expose functionality to frontend UIs. Frontend developers demand that APIs are simple and extensible, leading to either constant upkeep or unsound, complex code.

We will walk through a case study of creating an API in Scala for searches through the use of a DSL (Domain Specific Language). By taking inspiration from Lisp, language design and type systems, we will implement an API which will be secure, simple and extensible.

7:40pm - Break

7:50pm - *Bruno Bonanno : mockito-scala, what it is and how to get the most out of it*

mockito-scala started as a simple wrapper of mockito-core to provide a more usable API and solve some Java-Scala interop issues, but since then it has evolved to become a full blown Scala mocking framework that encourages Scala best practices, provides integration with major Scala libraries and allows us to write more declarative, clearer and concise tests.
In this talk we'll go over some of the most popular fixes/additions over the Java API and also the new features that will make our tests better and simpler

8:30pm - Join us in a nearby pub or restaurant to discuss the talks!

