Machine Learning With The Titanic Data Set.




Machine Learning with the Titanic data set.

30 May 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

Difficulty Rating:1

This session is aimed at beginners to machine learning.

Joe Dods, Data Scientist at Wealth Wizards will run run a workshop to help you get up and running with your first ML predictions. And what better thing to predict than life and death itself! On the Titanic that is. We've got access to the original 1912 Titanic passenger dataset (courtesy of Kaggle) and Joe will show us how to start from scratch and build a model to do predictions.

We will go through the how to implement sk-learn ML models, basic feature engineering, and model validation. If enough time remains a short competition will be run to see who can achieve the highest accuracy on this dataset.

We'll be organising the event through the BrumAI slack channel, sending out installation instructions etc, so please join up here:
