Microsoft Cloud User Group




Microsoft Cloud User Group

18 July 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

Interested in the Microsoft Cloud? Are you learning about Microsoft 365 (Office 365, EM+S and Windows 10) or Microsoft Azure? Fancy networking with peers and learning about the latest developments?

Join us in London on the 21st of March from 5:30PM for an evening of learning and sharing experience.


5:30 pm – Arrival and networking

6:15pm – Azure Functions with Mark Gossa

“So, you'd like to learn more about Serverless and don't know how to sell it to the business, InfoSec or where to start?
In this session, we'll discuss just that and get you started on your Azure Serverless journey with Azure Functions or Azure Durable Functions. We'll talk through pricing plans, triggers and deployment considerations then demo how to write and deploy a .NET Core API in an Azure Function.”

7:00pm – "Leveraging Power Platform to gain immediate business value – A true story" with Chris Huntingford - Come and see Chris build applications live in this session using PowerApps, Flow, PowerBI and AI builder. An epic interactive session.

7:45 – Drinks/Food/Coffee/Break

8:15 – Managing and maintaining quality for Calls and Conferences by Jason Wynn. Microsoft provides a number of tools that can be used to help achieve and then maintain a good quality user experience for your network. This will cover how to perform "pre-flight" checks for a site before migration and then how to monitor and trend quality so you can proactively deal with any problems.

9:00 – Finish
Wrap up and head for a brief drink for more networking

