Migration Stories From LexisNexis And Brandwatch




Migration Stories from LexisNexis and Brandwatch

4 July 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

We're being hosted by LexisNexis this time - Team Columbo will present on "A journey into the Solr System". The talk is going to be an overview of the team's work so far in migrating from MarkLogic to Solr. They'll be looking at the different decisions, issues and progress made since starting on this with Solr at the beginning of this year.

Our second talk is from Tim Owen and Steve Hunt of Brandwatch, talking about how they re-platformed from Postgres to Solr for the Brandwatch Analytics product (moving from 30+ multi-terabyte postgres databases to 10x 96-node solr clusters).

Plus the usual Q&A and networking.
