Optimisey's Tenth MeetUp




Optimisey's Tenth MeetUp

21 March 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

The tenth ever Optimisey SEO MeetUp is set to suitably mark the occasion.

The speakers on the night will be:

Luke Carthy, talking about: The life-blood of eCommerce SEO
Barry Adams, talking about: How to do a technical SEO audit

If you haven't heard of these guys you'll be blown away. If you have... you'll be blown away.

Luke is a real rising star of SEO - incredibly smart and really in amongst the weeds of ecommerce SEO. If your website sells anything you'll want to hear his talk.

And Barry *is* a bona fide SEO star - who has worked on SEO for household names; won awards and now judges awards he's that good.
