Outliers: Women Changing The Future Of Work




Outliers: Women Changing the Future of Work

10 June 2019

New York

Added 01-Jan-1970

From the temperature setting in the office to the size of the space suits at NASA, today's world of work was literally designed for men.

Fortunately the days of this one-size-fits-most approach are rapidly coming to an end, thanks to the women who are radically changing our systems of work to be more inclusive.

Join us for a lively panel discussion with the women who are breaking barriers, leveraging technology, starting businesses and stopping at nothing to create new paths to work for all women. The panel will be followed by facilitated networking with refreshments generously provided by The Sternlieb Group (Susan Novick, Sybil Sternlieb, and Elisabeth Dewailly, who are all Financial Advisors at Merrill Lynch).

