PowerShell And AWS Back To School




PowerShell and AWS Back to School

25 September 2019

New York

Added 01-Jan-1970

Explore how you can use AWS Management Tools for automation of Windows Workloads using PowerShell. Learn how to use AWS CloudFormation and AWS Systems Manager (SSM).

Dive into the components of AWS Systems Manager such as the SSM Agent, SSM Documents, Run Command, State Manager and Automation. Plus, we'll demo these services with labs which you can follow along with in your own AWS Account.

Also we'll cover customer use cases and successes using AWS Systems Manager for patching across cloud providers and on-premise.

DevSecOps Engineer at GE Appliances: “By using AWS Systems Manager and the other AWS tools, we’ve gone from zero to 100 percent real-time visibility, a night-and-day contrast with our prior security posture.”
