SwiftUI Bootcamp – London




SwiftUI Bootcamp – London

19 - 20 October 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

After the exciting and surprise announcement at WWDC 2019 of a major Swift update, we are pleased to announce the first comprehensive SwiftUI bootcamp in London. Learn from experienced tutors and seasoned developers who were invited to, and attended WWDC 2019. Your chance to discover and learn everything they know!

Guided hands-on experience with SwiftUI and the latest frameworks introduced by Apple for iOS 13, WatchOS 6 and more.

Four focused hands-on workshops, spread over one day, will shine a light on the latest Swift framework announcements from WWDC 2019. Ensure you're up-to speed to confidently develop using these new tools.

SwiftUI - Get started.
SwiftUI - Using Combine and Creating Custom Views
ARKit 3 - Introduction to RealityKit and Reality Composer
CoreML 3 - Using the latest on-device ML technology
