Top 3 Cases For Using Serverless Right Now!




Top 3 Cases For Using Serverless Right Now!

7 October 2019

New York

Added 01-Jan-1970

Serverless is the new most talked about architecture pattern and quickly becoming a buzz word. The idea is for developers to stop worrying about server management and focus on code. The serverless platform takes care of provisioning servers, underlying infrastructure, server maintenance security, and scaling.

In this meetup, we will look at three practical use cases of serverless with example code.

* Secure and Scalable APIs
* Backend microservices
* Event driven programming

Key concepts introduced will include: triggers, rules, actions, composition and event driven architecture.

Finally, serverless is relatively new and we will look at what the shortcomings are with the current technology and how to mitigate them. We will use Apache OpenWhisk as our serverless platform. Apache OpenWhisk is an open source, distributed Serverless platform that executes functions (fx) in response to events at any scale.

The talk will include live demo of building and deploying an application to Apache OpenWhisk.

**Please bring your Meetup RSVP Confirmation & ID to check-in**


- 630pm - doors open, check-in, and get some food
- 645pm - round-robin introductions & get to know each other
- 7-8pm - presentation
- 8-830pm - Q&A, mingling
- 9pm - venue closes
