Unleashing The Digital Innovation




Unleashing the Digital Innovation

14 January 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

As more and more organisations embrace digital capabilities in order to remain competitive, they face very similar challenges realising the promises of the digital transformation: where technology was supposed to give them flexibility, they find themselves slaves of “legacy”, where technology was supposed to allow them to innovate, they find that they are unable to adapt to new needs. Many often argue that Digital Software needs to be crafted and uniquely designed. The users have unique needs, the business has to differentiate in the market while adhering to the brand guidelines for consistency. For the designer, this is an everyday puzzle. We ends up tailoring every solution. And the rest of the delivery puts pressure to do it Agile so it is much faster…

The zeitgeist is with DesignOps, that concerns itself with looking at how design can move from concept to delivery, maintaining high user value throughout. It ensures that the product delivered is not only the right product, but that it can evolve gracefully and continuously with the needs of the user at its heart. Even more importantly, when adequate DesignOps is in place, much of the designer’s time is refocused on where real creative innovation matters.

In this talk we will also will provide an overview of how DesignOps functions can help organisations to:

Ensure collaboration inside and outside the Design team is as efficient as possible to make a greater impact and deliver value.
Ensure design templates and deliverables are continually optimised to help simplify practices and processes and also ensure that design systems are optimised to solve common design problems for users.
Communicate the value of investment in design and help to increase design maturity.
Ensure that designers feel empowered to make decisions.
Make the designer on-boarding process more efficient and effective.
Focus on designers as people and not resources.
