Bristol Magento Meetup




Bristol Magento Meetup

1 April - 1 May 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

Our first Bristol Magento Meetup for 2019 has been confirmed for Wednesday 1st May 2019 at Navy Volunteer ('The Volley') on King Street.

Klevu will be sponsoring the first Bristol Magento Meetup of the year.

We'll have some of the industry's leading experts providing you with an insight into Magento.

- Mairaid Hart from Klevu: 'Klevu: Sailing through Amazonification'

- Tom Robertshaw from Space 48: 'Locking down your Magento Shop' - The financial and brand impact of your store being compromised could be substantial, so what can you do to protect yourself? In this talk, he'll take you through steps to protect your store, attack vectors to watch out for, how to investigate and move forward after a successful attack.

- Gareth Simpson from Seeker Digital: '10 Mega SEO Hacks For Magento'
