HalfStack 2019




HalfStack 2019

22 November 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

Started in 2010, London HalfStack is a London-based JavaScript community. Monthly meetup events focus on general JavaScript and TypeScript topics and include all things interesting in the desktop and mobile web world. After the monthly talks, we meet at CodeNode or another pub for drinks and further discussions.

Each November, we run an annual conference in a pub in the Shoreditch area. The conference focuses on UI-centric topics such as audio/video, data visualization and graphics, WebGL, speech recognition, Web AR/VR/XR, devices, games, and other inspiring talks.

2017 and 2018 HalfStack videos (2018 videos available soon)
2016 HalfStack recap
2015 HalfStack recap

Talks will include a variety of modern front-end development topics (2018's conference covered ES2018, TypeScript, frameworks, WebGL, web audio/video/music, WebVR, speech recognition, JS prose, animations, and much more) from leading speakers based primarily in London. The Call for Papers will be open from March through mid July. We will let all potential speakers know our answer by mid-August.

All tickets include lunch, dinner, coffee, tea, drinks, great talks, conference t-shirt, swag, afterparty and more!
