




20 - 23 August 2018

New York

Added 01-Jan-1970

Scalable, reproducible, and powerful
Discover the expanding capabilities of the Jupyter ecosytem
Recent developments in Jupyter—from JupyterLab to Binder to open source clients like nteract—have created opportunities to solve difficult data problems such as scalability; reproducible science; and compliance, data privacy, ethics, and security issues.

That's why Project Jupyter, the NumFOCUS Foundation, and O'Reilly Media have come together to host JupyterCon. It's a unique opportunity to see how Jupyter's creators, developers, and innovators across industry, government, and academia are using Jupyter to solve common problems—and how their solutions could be applied in your organization.

In just a few days, you'll learn how to build a flexible, future-proof, and highly scalable shared data infrastructure; create reproducible and iterative analysis, and leverage these powerful tools for sharing and communicating data analysis.
