No Longer Distant Cousins. Agile Working With Finance




No longer distant cousins. Agile working with Finance

4 April 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

The worlds of agile and finance often feel like distant cousins. Yet, considering the uncertainties of the business environment, they should be interlinked. Interlinked to enable organisations are making the right decisions, with the right people, at the right time, and with the right funds.

This talk will explore how to:

- Start conversations that’ll create stronger links between agility and finance, and how to keep their shared journey on track.
- Help create shorter funding cycles that’ll enable teams to strike the right balance between knowledge value and customer value
- Ensure every discussion, choice and activity increases confidence that team goals will benefit the bottom-line and increase customer satisfaction
- Help move your organisation from cost-based accounting to value-based outcome-driven accounting
- Reduce centralised budgeting to allow greater freedom that enables the discovery of new value propositions
- Help create a financial governance structure that support teams in adapting to change over following a plan


18:30-18:45: Arrivals
18:45-18:50: Intros
18:50-19:50: The Talk
19:50-20:00: Q&A
20:00+: Free Pizza, Drinks, and Mingling
