Running Stateful Applications In Kubernetes




Running stateful applications in Kubernetes

5 September 2019


Added 01-Jan-1970

Kubernetes is everywhere right now. You're probably reading this thinking, maybe it's time I learn this stuff, but where do I start?

You've come to the right place. Tonight we have two talks for you. The first talk will give you an overview of kubernetes and go through how to set-up kubernetes on your laptop (using minikube and virtualbox). The second talk will explain how to run Stateful applications on kubernetes.

Stick around for Pizza and drinks in the bar afterwards and ask any questions you may have or do some networking.

18:30: Doors open & Registration.
18:55 - 19:00: Introduction.
19:00 - 19:25: Dennis McCarthy - Getting started with Kubernetes:
I'll run through a live demo using minikube on my laptop to run a one node kubernetes cluster. I'll also cover creating a container and sending it to docker hub to be used later on kubernetes.
19:30 - 20:05: Simon Croome & Ferran Castell - Running stateful applications in kubernetes:
Most users start their journey to containers with stateless applications. They soon realise that stateful applications can also benefit from cloud-native infrastructure.

This session will:
- Describe the benefits of moving stateful applications into Kubernetes.
- Introduce the key terminology and concepts of storage within Kubernetes.
- Describe the options and trade-offs of persistent storage in Kubernetes from a practical perspective.
- Deploy a stateful application and demonstrate some of its cloud-native properties.
